Aspiration & Fearless Confidence – A Buddhist Perspective
We are delighted to announce that Registration is Now Open!
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
Public Talk – Sydney, 9th March 2025
“Aspiration & Fearless Confidence – A Buddhist Perspective”
This talk will be based on the “Banquet of Liberation: An Aspiration Prayer on the Stages of the Mahāyāna Path” by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo.This prayer touches on the main elements of the path, beginning with the foundational thoughts that turn the mind towards the Dharma. Rinpoche’s teaching on this poem will be accessible for those with a new interest in Buddhism as well as those who have been following teachings for many years.
● Ordained Sangha: No charge. Please email [email protected] to register.
● SIA Financial Members: $69.85. A member’s code will be sent in in a separate email.
● Non-Members: $90.75
Time: 10am to 4pm with a lunch break.
Venue: Enmore Theatre, Newtown, Sydney
Click Here to view on Google Maps.
Getting There:
● By Train: The venue is a 7-minute walk from Newtown Train Station.
● By Car: Parking is available at 144 Edgeware Road, Enmore (TAFE NSW – Design Centre), a 10-minute walk from the venue. Parking can be purchased when booking your Theatre Ticket or alternatively at the Box Office during admission for $25.
Health: To assist in prevention of spreading colds, flus and covid during event – please don’t attend if unwell. You are welcome to apply for a refund right up to date of event.
Booking Note:
● For a smoother experience, use a computer instead of a mobile phone to book.
● Seats are automatically assigned based on the best available at the time of booking and cannot be changed.
● For refund requests or assistance with ticket purchases, please contact [email protected] or call (02) 9550 3666 during operating hours.
CLICK HERE or on the “Khyentse Vision Project” image below to access this short prayer, translated by Adam Kane, in the KVP Reading Room.
Siddhartha’s Intent Australia is a not-for-profit organisation entirely run by volunteers. Your donation will directly help with the costs of providing our program of online and face to face practices, teachings and retreats.
Ordained sangha welcome to attend all practices and events at no cost.
公开讲座 – 悉尼,2025 年 3 月 9 日
本次讲座将基于蒋扬钦哲旺波所撰《大乘道次第愿文 · 解脱喜宴》。
● 出家僧众:免费. 请发送邮件至 [email protected] 注册。
● SIA 年费会员:$69.85 澳元. 会员代码将通过单独邮件发送。
● 非会员:$90.75 澳元
时间:上午 10 点至下午 4 点(含午休时间)
地点:Enmore Theatre, Newtown, Sydney
点击此处在 Google Maps 上查看。
● 乘火车:从 Newtown 火车站步行 7 分钟即可到达会场。
● 驾车:会场附近可在 144 Edgeware Road, Enmore (TAFE NSW – Design Centre),步行 10 分钟即可到达会场。停车费用为 $25 澳元,可在购票时购买,也可在活动当天于售票处购买。
● 为了更顺畅的体验,请使用电脑而非手机进行订票。
● 座位将根据订票时的最佳可用位置自动分配,且无法更改。
● 如需申请退款或票务购买协助,请联系 [email protected],或在营业时间致电 (02) 9550 3666。
点击此处或点击下方的“钦哲愿景计划”(Khyentse Vision Project)图片,进入钦哲愿景计划线上阅览室查看这篇由亚当·凯恩(Adam Kane)翻译的简短祈愿文(英文)。
现场将提供中文普通话纯音频口译。请自备设备(如手机)、耳机及流量数据(场馆 Wi-Fi 不保证可用,建议准备数据 SIM 卡或个人热点)。访问详情和链接将在讲座临近时提供,並仅限现场参加者使用。