Wisdom Traditions for a Modern Audience
Jordan Ranson of Manaaki Media interviews Rinpoche during his 2023 visit to New Zealand.
Interview with KCD
Khenpo answers Dharma questions and gives us Losar practice advice.
Embracing Change
Rinpoche applies the teachings on anicca to key issues in modern life: freedom, critical thinking, identity, etc.
Mind Training
Find out why you would want to train your mind and why not owning a zafu should not get in the way.
Buddha’s Vision
Disentangle yourself from the stories of your deceptive mind with the simplicity of the buddhist view.
A special wisdom ride with 84000 on the anniversary of Rinpoche’s birth.
Human Relationships
Learn the art of looking at your relationships with a bird’s-eye view.
Ethics and Values in the Modern World
Buddhists believe that if ethics, wisdom and compassion are in a car, wisdom should be in the driving seat.
Beauty is A Trap
An exploration of the art of storytelling in our contemporary world.
The Four Immeasurable Thoughts
Introduction to the four immeasurable thoughts from the perspective of anicca, dukkha and anatta.