Journey Without Goal
Introductory overview of the nature of the Vajrayana and its practice.
The Buddhist Psychology of Awakening
Professor Steven Goodman’s overview of Abhidharma, the Buddha’s science of experience.
Desire: Why it Matters
Traleg Kyabgon identifies the role of desire on the path of enlightenment.
Open Q&A Session
Question and answer session with Arne.
The Future is Open
Trungpa Rinpoche shows how the law of karma provides conditions for both entanglement and liberation.
Mindfulness in Action
Profound and practical advice on meditation as practiced in the Kagyü and Nyingma traditions.
View, Meditation & Action
Rinpoche gives an extensive explanation of the three components of the buddhist path.
Way of the Tathagata
The way to an authentic presence: not diluted, contrived or fabricated.
Lhakthong: training to immerse ourselves in the truth and become Dharma practitioners.
The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones
Practical guidance starting from the most basic motivation and culminating in the direct experience of reality.