Making Sense of Mind-Only – study group with Jakob Leschly

    Making Sense of Mind-Only  by William S. Waldron  “William Waldron has accomplished a small miracle in composing a remarkably clear and insightful introduction to the Yogācāra school of Buddhism.” —David Germano, professor of Tibetan Buddhist studies and executive director of the Contemplative Sciences Center at the University of Virginia     Beginning April […]

Korwa Dongdruk – a practice for the dead (SI Europe)

Korwa Dongdruk – a practice for the dead Korwa Dongdruk – He Who Churns the Depths of Saṃsāra – is a revealed spiritual treasure of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa. This practice of red Avalokiteshvara is performed in order to benefit those who have passed away, their families and relatives, as well as ourselves at times of the […]

A Feast of Awakening with SI Europe

On this day, we will perform a Mandala Offering based on the short text by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, thus supporting the most energetic and hopeful ancient Eastern Slavic carnival—Butter Week, or Maslenitsa, the festival of awakening, the festival of renewal, that joyful side of impermanence! The Mandala Offering is a practice that contributes to the […]

Lungs with Khenpo Choying Dorjee

  Khenpo Choying Dorjee will give lungs for these 3 texts: –The Way of the Bodhisattva by Shantideva  Lojong teachings:  –Instructions on The Seven Points of Mind Training by Lord Atisha – by HH 3rd Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Karma Lodrö Chökyi Senge  –Commentary on the Seven Points of Mind Training by Gyalse Tokme Zangpo  Saturday […]

A Chariot to Freedom study sessions with Jakob Leschly

Guidance from the Great Masters on the Vajrayana Preliminary Practices On Saturdays Written by the saintly master Shechen Gyaltsap Pema Namgyal, the root-guru of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, this eloquent and inspiring instruction on the Vajrayana preliminary practices is relevant to all practitioners, regardless of their lineage. You can read more about this work on the […]

Abhidharma teachings for the day-to-day life

Explore Buddhist psychology and mind training in this special two-evening seminar from Saint Petersburg with Khenpo Choying Dorjee. Through the ancient wisdom of Abhidharma, these teachings will show how Buddhist psychological methods can enhance emotional wellbeing and lead to a more liberated way of life. Khenpo Choying Dorjee will introduce key concepts of Buddhist psychology, […]

How to Survive Valentine’s Day: Buddhist Tips for Love & Loneliness

Live from Russia! Join Arne Schelling for an interactive evening exploring love through the lens of Buddhist wisdom. Together we’ll explore questions like:  Is it really love, or are we just dependent?  Are our relationships helping us grow?  What happens when we give our partner space?  Should we try to change people or accept them […]

Rain of Blessings tsok on Dakini Day (SI Australia-SI Europe)

On Dakini Day, Sunday Dec 14, 2025, SIA and SIE will offer a Rain of Blessings tsok  at  7 pm Sydney time (AEDT)  / 9 am Central Europe time. If you would like to make an offering of song, dance, poem or reading during the tsok break, please contact Ani Zangmo. Click here for information on how […]

Rain of Blessings tsok on Dakini Day (SI Australia-SI Europe)

On Dakini Day, Friday Nov 14, 2025, SIA and SIE will offer a Rain of Blessings tsok  at  7 pm Sydney time (AEDT)  / 9 am Central Europe time. If you would like to make an offering of song, dance, poem or reading during the tsok break, please contact Ani Zangmo. Click here for information on how […]

Rain of Blessings tsok on Dakini Day (SI Australia-SI Europe)

On Dakini Day, Thursday October 16, 2025, SIA and SIE will offer a Rain of Blessings tsok  at  7 pm Sydney time (AEDT)  / 10 am Central Europe Summer time. If you would like to make an offering of song, dance, poem or reading during the tsok break, please contact Ani Zangmo. Click here for information on […]

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