Annie Chen

Global Committee

Annie Chen, born in Qingdao, China, and raised in Vancouver, Canada, is a dedicated second-generation Buddhist. Her spiritual journey has been profoundly shaped by her family, with her parents and siblings being devoted students of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Annie first met Rinpoche in 2014, a pivotal moment that solidified her commitment to Buddhism.

In 2022, Annie was appointed by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to the SI Global Committee. In this role, she aims to help the younger generation discover their own spiritual paths. Her cross-cultural upbringing has provided her with a unique perspective, allowing her to bridge Eastern traditions with Western living. Annie continues to be an active participant in her Buddhist community, striving to uphold and share the values imparted by Rinpoche.

For those who wish to honour Annie with a donation, please consider a gift to Siddhartha’s Intent at Support Us.

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