Community Guidelines

The Siddhartha’s Intent Community is intended to be a safe and encouraging space. We invite participants to join us in co-creating this online environment so it will bring benefit to all. The policies we are outlining here apply to all content on this platform, including pictures, videos, comments, links, and announcements. Posts that violate our norms will be deleted.

Gentle Speech

Please use and encourage language that communicates respect for others. This standard clearly means that hate speech, harassment, threatening language, or anything that promotes harm is not okay.


Maintain the secrecy of the Vajrayana: Do not post liturgies, mantras, images, or seed syllables. Do not post any photo, video or audio recording of empowerments, teachings or practices or speak about them. Please do not attempt to share your experiences and so-called attainments or display “crazy wisdom” behaviors online.


If you see something that violates the guidelines, flag it for review or email [email protected]. We have a small team, so we appreciate your support with this. Moderators will delete any content that violates the community guidelines and block members who repetitively post it. Moderators’ decisions are final. Please respect them.

Healthy Discussions

If you disagree with someone else’s point of view, it is fine to express this, but be very aware that online arguments can escalate and cause distress very quickly. Please be careful. Understand that people come from many different cultures and backgrounds, and bring diverse perspectives. Help to de-escalate and pacify misunderstandings, and step back to consider your words if a conversation might be becoming heated.


Don’t post ideas that are intended to confuse others. Because controversial subjects may call each others’ ideas misinformation, avoid posting content around controversial subjects.


This forum isn’t a place to promote products. If you share something in the context of a conversation where it is relevant, use your best judgment. If you’re unsure, reach out to us at [email protected]

Highlight and copy the URL below[email protected]

Highlight and copy the URL below[email protected]

Submit your work now!​

All copyright works will belong to the creative artists, works featured will not be downloaded or otherwise profited by the organization, and we may include links to their own websites. artist. We regret to inform you that works containing AI-generated images will not be accepted.



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