2023/7/24-30佛頂尊勝佛⺟千供法會 Ushnisha Vijaya Puja(SIHK)
主法上師: 宗薩欽哲仁波切
主辦機構: 香港悉達多本願會
佛頂尊勝佛⺟為佛陀頂髻所化現,象徵著佛陀之功德,也表 示不⼆之智慧。在佛頂尊勝佛⺟法會中,我們將⼀同持咒、 繞壇城、拋花致敬,並以千供來供養這位尊勝本尊;我們祈 願⼀切有情,⽣⽣世世恆為尊勝佛⺟所攝受,祈願娑婆眾⽣ 早證菩提。 本次為宗薩欽哲仁波切⾸次在香港主持如此殊勝的「佛頂尊 勝佛⺟千供法會」,仁波切曾說:「當下之覺知,即尊勝佛 ⺟。」誠摯邀請您,與我們⼀同召喚⾃⼰內在的尊勝佛⺟, 為利益⾃⼰及⼀切有情,積累福慧,悲智雙⾏;並與我們共 同發⼼,平息世間動盪。
⽇期: 2023年7⽉24-30⽇ (爲期7⽇)
時間: 早上時段: 08:30 – 12:30; 下午時段:14:30-17:30 (已更新)
地點: 上環干諾道中200號信德中心4樓 信德展覽及活動中心
交通: 上環港鐵站D出口直達
注意事項: 法會將以藏⽂及廣東話進⾏。 法會時間可能隨時會有變動。我們建議您關注任何更新。
報名鏈接: 名額已滿
登記候補: 候補申請名額已滿
銀行戶口名稱:Siddhartha’s Intent Ltd
戶口號碼:580-116978-004(港幣); 502-742356-274(美元)
轉帳後,請發送電子郵件至 [email protected],並附上您的轉帳確認函,包括您所在的姓名、國家/地區、金額和參考附言“2023 HK UV Puja”。
- 感謝您對此次法會的關注。由於我們預計會有很多朋友感興趣,請只選擇您確定能夠參加的時段,以讓更多人受益。
- 請注意,在每一時段內,同一個電郵地址只能報名一次。任何相同電郵地址的重複報名將被取消。
- 成功報名後,您將收到每個時段的獨特入場二維碼。請保存這些二維碼,以供活動入場時掃描使用。
- 如果您任何一個法會時段候補成功,我們將通過電子郵件通知您。
- 如果您在成功報名後,由於情況改變而需要取消某個或所有時段的報名,請盡快通知我們,以便我們可以提前把座位讓給候補名單上的人。
- 在活動當天,如果您在上午時段的最後入場時間08:15或下午時段的最後入場時間14:15還未到場,您的座位可能會被現場的臨時參加者取代。((已更新)
- 因此,如果您想報名的時段已滿額,且未收到任何候補通知,您仍然可以考慮在每個時段開始前來現場等待,但請注意,如果現場已滿場,您仍然可能無法進入。
- 如有任何查詢,請發電郵至:[email protected]
Presided by: Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Organizer: Siddhartha’s Intent Hong Kong
Event Intro:
Ushnisha Vijaya is the manifestation the Buddha’s topknot, symbolizing the merit of the Buddha and representing the wisdom of non-duality. During the Ushnisha Vijaya Puja, we will recite the dharani, circumambulate the mandala, make offerings to this noble deity, and pray that all sentient beings will be taken care of and attain enlightenment soon.
This is the first time Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is presiding over such an auspicious Ushinisha Vijaya Puja in Hong Kong. As Rinpoche once said, “The present awareness is the Ushnisha Vijaya.” We sincerely invite you to summon the Ushnisha Vijaya within yourself, to benefit yourself and all sentient beings, to accumulate merit and wisdom, and to practice compassion and wisdom. Let us all generate the aspiration to calm the disturbances of the world together.
Date: 24-30 July 2023 (7 days)
Time: AM session: 08:30-12:30; PM session: 14:30-17:30
Shun Tak Exhibition & Event Space
4/F, Shun Tak Center, 200 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan
How to get there: Sheung Wan MTR station exit D takes you right there
Note: The puja will be conducted in Tibetan and Cantonese. Session times are fluid and subject to change at short notice. We recommend you stay tuned and keep checking our updates.
Registration: Closed
Waitlist: Closed
For those who would like to make an offering to the Puja, please see SI Hong Kong bank details below:
Bank: HSBC
Bank code: 004
Bank address: 1 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong
Bank account name: Siddhartha’s Intent Ltd
Account #: 580-116978-004 (HKD); 502-742356-274 (USD)
Alternatively, you can also give via PayMe (scan attached QR code or tap link):
After your transfer, please write to [email protected] attaching your transfer confirmation and include your name, country, amount, and reference “2023 HK UV Puja”.
Your support for the Puja is deeply appreciated.
Notes regarding Registration, Waitlist and Attendance:
- Thank you for your interest in the UV puja. As we are expecting a large number of attendees, please only select the session(s) which you are certain you can attend so more people can benefit.
- Please note that one email address can only register for ONE seat only at each sessions. Any duplicate registrations for the same session from the same email address will be cancelled.
- After successful registration, you will receive a unique QR code for each session you signed up for. Please retain the QR code(s) to be scanned for entry at the event.
- If you cannot attend any sessions after registering for them, please notify us as soon as possible at [email protected] so we can give the seat to those on the waitlist ahead of time.
- On the event days, if you are not present at last entry times 08:15 (for AM session) and 14:15 (for PM session), your seat may be given away to walk-in participants on site. (Updated)
- Therefore, if the session(s) you’d like to sign up for is(are) full and you did not receive any email from us on getting off the waitlist, you can consider coming to the venue to wait before the session start times, but please note that you may still not be able to enter if the session is full.
- Please email us at [email protected] with any inquiries.