Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche | Bodhicharyavatara 9th Chapter

A big thank you to everyone who joined us, in person or online, on August 25 for Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche’s first teaching on the 9th chapter of Bodhicharyavatara. We were delighted to see many old and new faces from various backgrounds and different levels of familiarity with Buddhist teachings.

Missed the first session? No worries! Here’s the recording: https://youtu.be/cBuJ_aBB-mo?si=7djd3m0ybGtWRCls, with English and Chinese subtitles available.

Subsequent teachings on the 9th chapter of Bodhicharyavatara by Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche will be given on Zoom every Sunday at 8am PST. We expect to complete half of the 9th chapter this year, with the second half planned for next year. 

Now, please mark your calendars! The next session is scheduled for 

????️ Sunday, September 15 at 8am PST

For our friends around the globe, here are the corresponding times:

  • Berlin: Sunday, September 15 at 5pm
  • Thimphu: Sunday, September 15 at 8:30pm
  • Hong Kong: Sunday, September 15 at 11pm
  • Sydney: Monday, September 16 at 1am (any night owls?)

Feeling inspired to dive deeper into these teachings? Please register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuc-irrT8tHt3wX9lt9KXUa8YOO0ruXT5b

We’re incredibly grateful to Rinpoche for offering this series of teachings. To all aspiring bodhisattvas out there, let’s gather together as we learn to bring more benefit to all beings! See you soon as we continue to unfold the warrior path of the awakened heart!

???? This series of teachings is offered for free. If you want to donate to SI Canada, please visit https://siddharthasintent.org/support-si-canada/ and select “9th chapter online teaching – DT Rinpoche.” Thank you for your generosity!
???? No prerequisites required, open to non-Buddhists and Buddhists of all levels.
???? The session will be in English, with consecutive interpretation in Mandarin Chinese.
???? We will be using the translation by Padmakara Translation Group. If you wish to follow along, you may get a physical or digital copy here: https://www.shambhala.com/the-way-of-the-bodhisattva-1660.html

???? If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].


 About Bodhicharyavatara:

Ever wondered how an 8th-century text could revolutionize your life? Enter the Bodhicharyavatara, or “Introduction to the Way of a Bodhisattva.” This masterpiece by Indian philosopher Shantideva offers one of the most profound and systematic approaches to training the mind in Buddhist literature. While written over 1300 years ago, Bodhicharyavatara remains remarkably relevant, with gems of insight waiting to be discovered by modern minds. Join us as we unpack these timeless philosophies and connect them to our everyday lives. In this series of talks, Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche leads us to explore the famous ninth chapter, renowned for its explanation of wisdom.
???? About Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche:
Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche is the abbot of more than 150 monks at Chökyi Gyatso Institute, a unique and progressive monastery in eastern Bhutan. Born in Nepal in 1983, he was recognized by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche as the incarnation of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s maternal grandfather, Lama Sonam Zangpo, who was a great yogi from Bhutan and the founder of CGI. Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche trained at Chokyi Lodro Institute in Himachal Pradesh, India and at other of Himalayan region’s monastic colleges. He studied Sanskrit in Varanasi, India, and completed a 3-year retreat in Paro, Bhutan.


竹究滇津仁波切《入菩薩行論》第九章的後續教學將於每週日溫哥華時間上午8點在 Zoom 上進行。我們預計今年完成第九品的前半部分,明年計劃完成後半部。


????️ 溫哥華9月15日星期日上午8點


  • 柏林:9月15日(週日)下午5點
  • 廷布:9月15日(週日)晚上8點30分
  • 香港:9月15日(週日)晚上11點
  • 悉尼:9月16日(週一)凌晨1點(歡迎夜貓子們!)



???? 此系列教學為免費。如您想隨喜加拿大悉達多本願會,請您造訪 https://siddharthasintent.org/support-si-canada/ 並選取 “9th chapter online teaching – DT Rinpoche”。感謝您的慷慨支持!
???? 無參與條件,適合非佛教徒和各程度的佛教徒
???? 講座將以英語進行,附有普通話翻譯
???? 翻譯將使用如師法師翻譯的版本
???? 如果您有任何問題,歡迎透過 [email protected] 與我們聯繫
你是否曾想過一部八世紀的著作如何能革命性地改變你的生活?讓我們來認識由印度哲學家寂天菩薩所著的《入菩薩行論》。這部經典提供了佛教文學中最深奧和系統化的修心方法之一。儘管寫於1300多年前,《入菩薩行論》仍然與現代生活息息相關,其中蘊含著等待現代人發掘的智慧珍寶。讓我們一起深入這不朽的哲學奧妙,並將其與我們的日常生活聯繫起來。  在這一系列講座中,竹究滇津仁波切帶領我們探索著名的第九品,該品以其對智慧的闡釋而聞名。
???? 關於竹究滇津仁波切:竹究滇津仁波切是東不丹確吉嘉措佛學院的住持。該學院是一所獨特且進步的寺院,擁有超過150名僧侶。他於1983年出生於尼泊爾,被頂果欽哲仁波切認證為宗薩欽哲仁波切的外祖父喇嘛索南藏波的轉世。喇嘛索南藏波是來自不丹的偉大瑜伽士,也是東不丹確吉嘉措佛學院 (CGI)的創始人。  竹究滇津仁波切曾在北印度宗薩欽哲確吉羅卓佛學院及喜馬拉雅地區的一些寺院學院學習。他在印度瓦拉納西系統學習了梵文,並在不丹的帕羅完成了為期3年的傳統閉關。

The event is finished.



15 September 2024

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 15 September 2024
  • Time: 11:00


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