《十字路口的豬》 – 香港現場首映(悉達多本願會(香港)(2024.8.28最新消息!!!)








時間:上午10:00 至下午12:30




索取入場門票:请登入 https://www.art-mate.net/tc/doc/77578。為免向隅,報名從速。



1. 所有觀眾須年滿六歲或以上。
2. 訪客需出示有效二維碼才能進入香港理工大學校園。成功登記能獲取門票的觀眾將透過電子郵件收到印有本次活動二維碼的電子門票,以同一個二維碼可用於進入校園及作綜藝館電影入場用。觀眾可使用手機顯示二維碼。
3. 綜藝館場內嚴禁飲食(包括清水)。
4. 場館內設有6個供殘障人士使用的輪椅位。若有殘障觀眾需要輪椅通道,請通知場地或活動主辦單位提前安排。
5. 我們鼓勵持票者從理工大學A棟、P棟的入口進入校園,屆時該等入口會有支援人員提供協助。持票者也可以從其他入口進入。
6. 香港理工大學鄰近港鐵紅磡站,觀眾亦可選乘公共巴士或其他公共交通工具到達理工大學。
7. 香港理工大學的停車場不對外開放。參與觀眾可考慮使用以下是就近的公共收費停車場:

置富都會停車場(Fortune Metropolis)

紅磡站停車場 (Hung Hom Station)

新東海商業中心停車場 (New East Ocean Centre)


如有疑問,請發送電子郵件至:[email protected]






Pig at the Crossing Hong Kong Premiere (SI Hong Kong) (Latest update as of 28.08.2024!!!)


Dear friends,


Siddhartha’s Intent (Hong Kong) sincerely invites you to join our Hong Kong on-site premiere of Khyentse Norbu’s latest film “Pig at the Crossing” – free admission!


We are very honored to have the film’s director, Khyentse Norbu, to grace the event with a Q&A session with the audience. Please don’t miss this precious opportunity!


Date: September 1, 2024
Time: 10:00am to 12:30 pm

Admission Time: 9:45 am

Location: Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (JAC)

Language: Dzongkha (the official language of Bhutan), with Traditional Chinese subtitles (No English subtitles)


Ticketing: Please visit https://www.art-mate.net/en/doc/77578 . Limited seats available, register for tickets now!


Important Reminders for Audience:

1. All audience should be age 6 or above.
2. Visitors to the campus of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University are required to present a valid QR code. Each successful registrant for admission to the screening will be given an e-ticket with a QR code for this event via email and the same QR code shall be used for admission to the campus of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the JCA. Ticket holders can use their mobile phones for showing the QR code.
3. Eating and drinking are strictly forbidden inside the JCA.
4. There are 6 wheelchair spaces in the venue for the disabled. For wheelchair access, please notify venue or event organizer for prior arrangements.
5. Ticket holders are encouraged to enter from the entrance at Core A or Core P where support staff will be there for assistance. However, entry through other Cores of the campus is also possible.
6. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is nearby Hung Hom MTR station, and accessible by public buses and other public transports.
7. The car park at the university is not open to the public. Below is information of some public car parks nearby for your consideration:

置富都會停車場(Fortune Metropolis)

紅磡站停車場 (Hung Hom Station)

新東海商業中心停車場 (New East Ocean Centre)



For enquiries, please email to: [email protected]


More info of the film: https://www.pigcrossing.film


The event is finished.



1 September 2024

Time (UTC +0)

10:00 - 12:30

Your Time (UTC -04:00)

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 31 August 2024 - 1 September 2024
  • Time: 22:00 - 00:30


Hong Kong

Highlight and copy the URL below

https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/[email protected]

Submit your work now!​

All copyright works will belong to the creative artists, works featured will not be downloaded or otherwise profited by the organization, and we may include links to their own websites. artist. We regret to inform you that works containing AI-generated images will not be accepted.

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