Korwa Dongdruk: He Who Churns the Depths of Saṃsāra (SI Canada)
Please join the Siddhartha’s Intent Canada sangha for a practice of Red Avalokiteshvara performed as a ritual for guiding the dead.
Korwa Dongdruk – He Who Churns the Depths of Saṃsāra – is a revealed spiritual treasure of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa. This practice of Red Avalokiteshvara is performed in order to benefit those who have passed away, along with their families and relatives, as well as for ourselves at times referred to as death.
The practice of Korwa Dongdruk is being offered monthly online in different parts of the world and is led by a team of practitioners who have been thoroughly trained.
To include in the practice someone who has passed away, please add their name to the “Recently Passed” section of the Siddhartha’s Intent Western Door Prayer List. This practice is for those in the human realm. Practice hosts suggest seeking out other pujas/practices for animals and other sentient beings.
💠 Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86509615821
Meeting ID: 827 6381 3077 | Passcode: 969122
Though the liturgy will not be shared on screen, those without empowerment – including friends and relatives of the deceased – are welcome to join the practice to sit and listen.