Lying Flat Buddha
Public Talk by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in Taipei
???? Monday, 3 April 2023
4am | Los Angeles
12pm | London
7pm | Taipei
???? Jieshou Hall, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Hosted by SI Taiwan 台灣悉達多本願佛學會. Free attendance. First come first served.
If you can’t be there in person, join us online at:
???? YouTube 1
English with Mandarin consecutive interpretation.
???? YouTube 2
English with Mandarin consecutive interpretation.
???? Zoom 1
Meeting ID: 869 9243 7107
English with Mandarin consecutive interpretation.
???? Zoom 2
Meeting ID: 87451366281
English with Mandarin, Cantonese, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Sharchop and Spanish consecutive interpretation.
** If you speak English and/or Mandarin, please kindly join us on YouTube so that those who don’t can have space on Zoom.