Riwo Sangchö - the Mountain Smoke Offering – (SI Europe)
Riwo Sangchö (Mountain Smoke Offering) is a practice for healing our environment, repaying karmic debts to beings of the six realms, healing all kinds of negative situations.
In the Nyingma tradition it is praised as the easiest and most effective way of offering love and nourishment to all beings while also creating and sharing merit for personal and world peace.
We burn sang offerings in a fire. Participants can prepare their own, or just some incense, and have clean water to sprinkle. Everyone is welcome.
The practice is now offered every day:
Mon-Thurs – at 8 am Central Europe time (15-minute version)
Sat-Sun – at 9 am Central Europe time (15-minute version)
Friday – 8-8:45 am (Central Europe time).
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85046874809?pwd=bjV4dFQzUjIvZ2VtQS8rRWNoNzM4dz09 / password: smokey
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