Rain of Blessings tsok on Dakini Day (SI Australia-SI Europe)

On Dakini Day, Thursday October 16, 2025, SIA and SIE will offer a Rain of Blessings tsok  at  7 pm Sydney time (AEDT)  / 10 am Central Europe Summer time.

If you would like to make an offering of song, dance, poem or reading during the tsok break, please contact Ani Zangmo.

Click here for information on how to prepare for this practice. Please download the text — Guru Sadhana of the Seven Line Supplication – Rain of Blessings by Mipham Rinpoche — as it will NOT be screen-shared during the practice. This practice can be joined without empowerment.

Link to join the practice: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84848015903?pwd=Z202SEplb0FMYjhTVzhRTU9XNGxWdz09 Meeting ID: 848 4801 5903 / Passcode: 093649

The Tibetan word for this practice is tsok, which means ‘gathering’ and refers to the gathering of practitioners, the gathering of offerings, the gathering of mandala deities, and the gathering of merit and wisdom. To attend this kind of practice it is helpful, but not essential, to have some familiarity with Vajrayana theory and practice.

If you wish to include someone who is experiencing difficult circumstances or who has died recently, please add the name to the corresponding list.  /   Siddhartha’s Intent EUROPE prayer list /   Siddhartha’s Intent Western Door prayer list   /   Siddhartha’s Intent Australia prayer list

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16 October 2025

Time (UTC +0)

08:00 - 09:30

Your Time (UTC -04:00)

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 16 October 2025
  • Time: 04:00 - 05:30



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