Vima Ladrup tsok (SI Europe + SIWD)
Vima Ladrup tsok on Guru Rinpoche’s day – is offered alternately by SI Europe and SI Western Door. Si Europe invites you on Monday, April 7, 2025 – at 6 pm Central European Summer Time (9 am Pacific).
Vima Ladrup–The Guru Sadhana of Vimalamitra feast practice may be joined by anyone who has received the empowerment. Those without the empowerment are still welcome to join the practice to sit and listen, much as one might join a puja being conducted in a monastery, or if attending in person, read a borrowed liturgy for the duration of the practice. The only requirement in this case is to have faith and respect towards Vimalamitra and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. However, in accordance with Rinpoche’s wishes, you won’t be able to access the resources page, download or keep a liturgy until the empowerment has been received.
Here is the Zoom link to join: – ID: 834 9786 4289 – Code: 367131
If you wish to include someone who is experiencing difficult circumstances or who has died recently, please add the name to the corresponding list. / Siddhartha’s Intent EUROPE prayer list / Siddhartha’s Intent Western Door prayer list / Siddhartha’s Intent Australia prayer list