Winter Solstice celebration (SI Europe)

This year, to celebrate the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, join us in lighting lamps on this darkest day of the year and reciting prayers including the Dzogchen Prayer of Buddha Samantabhadra.

Wednesday, December 21, at 4:30 pm Central Europe time

Zoom link:
ID: 878 9208 6777  –  Code: 789235

You are welcome to prepare lamps – in any quantity – to light them in your home.

“During solar or lunar eclipses, when clamor or earthquakes happen, at the solstices, or at the turn of the year, if we let ourselves arise as Samantabhadra and recite this prayer within the hearing of all, through the aspiration of us yogic practitioners, all sentient beings of the three realms will gradually become free from suffering and then swiftly attain buddhahood.”

Here are the Light Offering prayers

and here is the Samantabhadra’s Dzogchen Prayer

The event is finished.



21 December 2022

Time (UTC +0)

15:30 - 17:00

Your Time (UTC -05:00)

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 21 December 2022
  • Time: 10:30 - 12:00



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