5 Minutes Dhyana
Train your mind so that you can look at life without prejudice and preconceptions.
Vipassana: A Sadhana
Vipassana: finding liberation through a direct experience of the truth.
The Four Seals
Arne answers the question: What really makes you a buddhist?
The Bodhisattva Guide
HHDL’s pithy teachings on some of the essential verses from the Way of the Bodhisattva.
Heart of Compassion
One the great pith-instructions on the Mahayana path.
Anatomie des Geistes
Sollten wir Konzepte direkt verwerfen, oder können wir sie sogar zu unserer weiteren Entwicklung nutzen?
Teaching Harmony
Rinpoche talks to the teachers, parents and students of Middle Way School.
Training in Tenderness
Intimate pith-instructions on training the mind in the most important quality on the path to enlightenment: kindness.
Step-by-step learning to wake up and see the truth.
Return to Normal
If you want to be normal, just for 10 seconds forget purpose, forget values, forget meaning.