Avatamsaka Sutra
Introduction to the Avatamsaka Sutra.
Play of Compassion
Does the compassion of the Buddha manifest where I am? You may wonder.
Lalitavistara Sutra
The Play in Full tells the story of how the Buddha manifested in this world and attained awakening.
The Rain of Wisdom
Rinpoche gives an overview of the wisdom within the Ocean of Songs of the Kagyu Gurtso.
Purification of Karmic Obscurations
Going beyond good and bad karma and achieving liberation.
Green Tomato & Red Chilli
Do you know the difference between highways, lost paths, wrong paths and paths with benches and coffee shops?
Fundamental Buddhist View – Kyiv
Rinpoche uses the Four Seals as a framework to introduce the fundamentals of Buddhism.
Je Tsongkhapa’s Instructions
Rinpoche teaches on the three essential features of the path to enlightenment.
The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
Based on the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa.