Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro (SIWD + SI Canada)

The North American Ngondro Gar instructors lead the Saturday morning Ngondro practice. The practice starts at 8 a.m. Pacific time and generally lasts for about 2 hours. The plan is to host this practice every Saturday but occasionally (if instructors have another obligation that makes it necessary to cancel the practice), a notification will be […]

Korwa Dongdruk (SIWD + SI Canada)

Korwa Dongdruk – He Who Churns the Depths of Saṃsāra – (a practice for the dead) is a revealed spiritual treasure of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa. This practice of Red Avalokiteshvara is performed in order to benefit those who have passed away, along with their families and relatives, as well as for ourselves at times referred […]

Riwo Sangchö (SI Canada + SIWD)

A weekly practice of Riwo Sangcho, the smoke offering, is being held every Monday at 12.15, Atlantic time (Halifax). Riwo Sangcho is a powerful practice of making offerings to dispel obstacles of all kinds for self and others. The practice lasts for about an hour and a half. It’s suggested that, if possible, participants receive the […]

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