Chime Phakma Nyingtik Weekend Practice Intensive

Siddhartha’s Intent in Vancouver will be hosting a two day in-person group practice intensive (Drupchö) of the sublime practice of Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik (Heart Essence of Deathless Ārya Tāra). Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik is an extraordinarily blessed practice of White Tāra that unites the Vajrayana deity yoga of three great vidyādharas of India –  Shrī Siṃha, […]

Shantideva’s Śikṣā Samuccaya

Śikṣā Samucchaya, also known as The Compendium of Buddhist Doctrines, was written by Shantideva and presents in detail the conduct that bodhisattvas should embrace at all times. It is organized as a commentary on twenty-seven short verses and consists primarily of quotations (of varying length) from sutras. The Compendium provides a comprehensive overview of the […]

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