Zabtik Drolma Sādhanā

Khyentse Foundation and Siddhartha’s Intent wish to offer you the beautiful sadhana “Accumulating Wisdom and Merit Through the Mandala of Arya Tara”, discovered by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa and adapted by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, with exquisite illustrations by Emily Avery Crow.


“My sole reason for adapting this sadhana is to make it easier for English-speaking practitioners to chant and to give them a more vivid sense of the ceremony. I have no doubt that in the process, many vast and profound elements of the original text have been lost. But in this day and age, as the choice seems to be either to seek out one supreme practitioner who can practise perfectly, or to encourage many hundreds, even thousands of less experienced practitioners to aspire to practise this sadhana, I have chosen the latter.”

Click here to download the illustrated English sadhana in ePUB or PDF format.
Or here for the English sadhana without illustrations and translations into other languages:

We also offer you the melodies composed by Alison Wells from the Australian sangha, which were first heard during our worldwide Tara Puja on 18th June 2021.

“Those of you who are used to the traditional Tibetan style of chanting will, I am sure, find it hard to adjust to a different style. But I would like to ask you not only to think of your own preferences, but of future generations of English-speaking practitioners who may not have the opportunity to meet or practise with Tibetans. It would be a great act of kindness to these future generations if we, as a sangha, were to come up with tunes and lyrics that they could easily relate to and enjoy.”

* When preparing for and practising the Zabtik Drolma puja, it is traditional to abstain from meat, eggs, onions, garlic, leeks, chilis and alcohol.

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Rinpoche in Santiago

Siddhartha's Intent Chile is honoured and delighted to announce that Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche will teach in Santiago on 8-10th November. ...
8 - 10 November 2024
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