Mind Training

17 January 2024
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

In this talk to university students, Rinpoche dispels the myth that mind training is some sort of buddhist ritual involving a zafu. The real goal of mind training is to see the truth. If we can see the truth — not just intellectually or academically, but habitually and emotionally — the way we look at life will change.

And what truth is that? Nothing exotic: the truth of impermanence (anicca), unsatisfactoriness (dukkha) and selflessness (anatta). Currently, our lopsided view makes us anxious, depressed, proud, insecure and full of prejudice. Liberation from this lopsided view will give way to empathy, and empathy has the power to change the world.

Simultaneous interpretation: Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish

Subtitles: English

Also on Spotify.

Artwork by Yachi Tseng

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