New Art Exhibition

Meet Chilean artist María Ignacia Ferrer and explore her vibrant oil paintings, which evoke peace and connection.

Karma and Donald Trump

Are karma and luck the same, different or neither? Find out in this Kuensel interview with Rinpoche.

The Birthday

Read on to find out what you can do to celebrate Rinpoche’s upcoming birthday.

Nyingtik Teachings

Vajrayana warning from Rinpoche concerning the May Nyingtik Yabshi teachings.

Caring for the Dharma

Rinpoche requests us to practice for the wellbeing of OT Rinpoche and those who care deeply for the Dharma.

Prayer for Cyberspace

Fill your trips to cyberspace with bodhicitta with this prayer composed by Rinpoche in 2012.

Losar 2024

Read Rinpoche’s aspirations for the Year of the Dragon.

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All copyright works will belong to the creative artists, works featured will not be downloaded or otherwise profited by the organization, and we may include links to their own websites. artist. We regret to inform you that works containing AI-generated images will not be accepted.

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's Schedule

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