Dzö Dün

11 April 2023

To whom it may concern,

It has come to my attention that, after hearing about the teachings that will happen in Tharpaling, Bumthang, in central Bhutan, many students have tried their utmost to get there but encountered big financial obstacles. The recent policies of the Bhutan government have made it particularly difficult.

Many of these students may have received wrong information that I will only be giving these transmissions once, just in Bhutan. But that is definitely not the case, so they should please not stress and exhaust their limited financial resources trying to get there. These teachings, the Dzö Dün, Longchenpa’s Seven Treasuries, will be given again in New Zealand in November, and in the very near future also in California and India. As well, those places will have an introduction and translation of the teachings that will not be available in Bhutan.

I am sending this mail because I feel responsible for assuring particularly those students who have a really hard and financially challenging life.

— Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse



我注意到有一些同学非常希望参加我在不丹中部布姆唐Tharpaling 的教授,但那让他们面临巨大的费用负担。不丹政府的新近政策使得前往不丹变得异常困难。





** The Longchenpa’s Transmission in New Zealand is heavily booked with a waiting list. The organisers are working hard to accommodate as many people as possible. For details of this event, please go to Rinpoche’s Schedule.

Photo credit: Pawo Choyning Dorji

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