Living is Dying 2022 Program – Library of Recordings

In 2022 the Living is Dying team presented a series of 34 weekly online sessions,  discussing topics raised by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s book ‘Living is Dying’, in a chapter-by-chapter fashion, from 20 March to  13 November.

Below is a library of recordings of those session. As well as recording links, each session entry has a brief summary of the topic discussed, chapter and page references to Rinpoche’s book where appropriate, and a list of the presenters for that session.


Session 1 – Sunday March 20th with JakobIntroduction to the Living is Dying program

Preface; Will I Die?
Session concludes with a meditation on “The Certainty of Death
Pages 1-4; e-book 1-8
Link to recording

Session 2 – Sunday March 27th with  JakobIntroduction to the Living is Dying program by Tsering  
(… to separate introduction recording by Tsering)

Fear of Death by Ani Zangmo and Kirsten
Life is an Illusion; Relax your Expectations; Relax your Selfishness; Reduce your Attachment to Worldly Life
Session includes ‘Emulate Zhuang Zhou’ contemplations
Pages 4-11; e-book 8-15
Link to recording

Session 3 – Sunday April 3rd with  JakobIntroduction by Tsering including discussion with Jangchub on “Will nothing help at the moment of death?”

Living is Dying; Is there an Upside to Death?; Buddha Nature
Pages 11-14; e-book 15-19
Link to recording

Session 4 – Sunday April 10th with guest speaker Ben Isbel

Guest speaker Ben Isbel leads a discussion on mindfulness, and how this simple method can be used to uncover the one true possession we will take with us when we die – our mind.
Watch your Mind
Pages 15-16; e-book 19 – 22.
Link to recording

Session 5 – Sunday April 17th  with Jakob

Watch your Mind (last two paragraphs); The Certainty and Uncertainty of Death
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche reading Guru Rinpoche’s Advice to Yeshe Tsogyal ‘The Refined Essence of Oral Instructions’ (pre-recorded).
The session concludes with a meditation on ‘The Certainty of Death and Uncertainty of Time of Death’ with Ani Zangmo.
Pages 16-20; e-book 22-24
Link to recording

Session 6 – Sunday April 24th facilitated by Ani Zangmo with guest speakers Annie WhitlockeDr Rachael Buckley and Dr Diana Cousens

Ani Zangmo will be discussing the practicalities of preparing for death including why it is important to make your care wishes known, advanced care plans, the role of medical decision maker and organ donation with death doula Annie Whitlocke, Dr Rachael Buckley and Dr Diana Cousens.
Preparation for Death & Beyond; Face the Fact that you will Die; Live Life to the Full
Pages 21-23; e-book 25-27
Link to recording

Sunday May 1st  Stand-alone Session: Special guest speaker Elizabeth Mattis Namgyal 
         How does a dementia death look like for a Buddhist practitioner?  

Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyal and Dr Ben Isbel discuss dementia and end of life care for Buddhists based upon Elizabeth’s experience of caring for her mother, a long-term Buddhist practitioner who currently has dementia.
Link to recordings:

…. Part 1 Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyal and Dr Ben Isbel(41 min)   
Part 2 Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyal (48 min)

Session 7 – Sunday May 1st with  Jakob

Chant OM MANI PADME HUM ; What is Bardo?; The Painful Bardo of Dying
Page 25-27, 71-72, e-book 29-30, 73-74
Link to recording

Session 8 – Sunday May 8th with guest speaker Nila Norbu and Julie St Aubyn

The importance of making a will. When do we need to appoint a Power of Attorney? What are ethical wills?
Shop Consciously and Make A Will; Distribute your Worldly Goods; Offer the Dead Person’s Belongings
Page 23-24, 54, 168; e-book 27-28, 58, 168 
Link to recording

Session 9 – Sunday May 15th with  JakobJangchub

Jangchub will give an overview of what Refuge means to people who are dying.
Jakob explains the meaning of a Buddhist taking Refuge. Includes a simple Buddhist Refuge ceremony.
Take Refuge; How To Take Refuge Simply
Pages 28-33; e-book 31-37
Link to recording

Session 10 – Sunday May 22nd with Jakob

Includes Buddhist Bodhisattva Vow ceremony.
The Bodhisattva Vow; Taking the Bodhisattva Vow; Arousing Bodhicitta; Think Big
Pages 33-39; e-book 37-43
Link to recording

Session 11 – Sunday May 29th with  Jakob

The Painful Bardo of Dying continued with Jakob.
Does Karma Affect the Dying Process?; What Does the Moment of Death Feel Like?; What Will You See After You Die?; The Six Realms;
Pages 72-84; e-book 74-86
Link to recording

Session 12 – Sunday June 5th with special guest speaker Tara Frances, and Ani Zangmo

Mindfulness and Awareness practice with Buddhist Mindfulness teacher Tara Frances
Simple Practices To Prepare for Death; Mindfulness Practice; Apply Awareness
Pages 41-43; e-book 45-47
Link to recording

Session 13 – Sunday June 12th with Jakob, Tsering  & Julie

Sleep Practice with Jakob; Get used to the Idea that Death is Imminent with Tsering
Tsering and Julie will discuss the legal aspects associated with funerals, choosing a funeral parlour, low-cost funerals, burial or cremation, choosing a coffin or other means, the funeral service – mourning death or celebrating life
Pages 43-46, 55; e-book 47-50, 58
Link to recording

Session 14 – Sunday June 19th with  Jakob

Jakob continues with Chapter 6 ‘The Painful Bardo of Dying’
Judgement Day; Do Heaven and Hell Exist; What Continues After Death; Do We All Become Ghosts After Death; Do We All Assume New Identities After Death; Can the Dead Talk to the Living; How Long Before Rebirth?; Why Do We Lose Our Memories When We Die; Alaya; Rebirth; Can Rebirth Be Proven

Pages 82-94; e-book 84-96
Link to recording

Session 15 – Sunday June 26th with Tsering & Jangchub

Includes discussion on how the Guru and spiritual friends can be of spiritual help and support during the dying process and beyond; and methods of confession for Buddhist practitioners close to death.
How Buddhists Prepare For Death; What Is The Ground Of Liberation?; Cut All Worldly Entanglements
; Confess
Pages 47-51; e-book 51-55
Link to recording

Session 16 – Sunday July 3rd with special guest speaker Ani Lhagsam, and Tsering  & Kirsten

Ani Lhagsam will introduce the concept of the elements & lead a guided Death Meditation.
Remind Yourself About What Is About To Happpen

Page 51; e-book 55
Link to recording

Session 17 – Sunday July 10th with special guest speaker Dr Julie Kidd, and Tsering 

Dr Julie Kidd was a fit and healthy 53 year old medical doctor who found herself suddenly facing death one Friday afternoon. She will share her journey through surgery for a malignant brain tumour and her experience of resting in refuge during two weeks in Intensive Care, and how Julie continued to deal with the ongoing possibility of death if the tumour returned.
Take Refuge And Generate Bodhicitta; Absolute Bodhicitta; Focus On Your Spiritual Practice;
Kusali Practice

Page 51-54; e-book 55-58
Link to recording

Session 18 – Sunday July 17th with special guest speakers Margaret Hassett and Venerable Bo Re, and Ani Zangmo

Chapter 5 Aspiration Practice focussing on the practice of Buddha Amitabha with Ani Zangmo and Margaret Hassett from the Tibetan tradition and Venerable Bo Re from Amitabha Pure Land Buddhism.
Aspiration Practice; Amitabha Buddha; The Old Carpenter; Amitabha Buddha in Pure Land Buddhism

Page 57-64; e-book 59-66
Link to recording

Session 19 – Sunday July 24th with Jangchub and Tsering 

Chapter 5 Aspiration Practice focussing on the practice of Guru Rinpoche and Arya Tara
Guru Rinpoche; Arya Tara.
Page 65-69; e-book 67-71
Link to recording

Session 20 – Sunday July 31st with special guest speaker Ani LhagsamKirsten and Tsering 

Chapter 7 Questions About Death, Ani Lhagsam and Kirsten will share their experience in being with the dying.
Questions About Death
Page 95-101; e-book 97-103
Link to recording

Session 21 – Sunday August 7th with panel speakers Annie WhitlockJangchubKirstenJulie and Ani Zangmo

Chapter 8 How to be with the Dying, panel speakers Annie Whitlock, Jangchub, Kirsten & Julie  share their experience in being with the dying.
How to Be with the Dying
Page 103-113; e-book 105 – 114
Link to recording

Session 22 – Sunday August 14th with special guest speaker Zenith Virago and Ani Zangmo

Zen and the Art of Dying
Link to Recording

Session 23 – Sunday August 21st with Tsering  and Kirsten

Chapter 9 What to Say to a Dying Person
The Power of ‘Buddha’; What to Say to a Dying Person; The Moment of Death; Immediately After the Moment of Death
Page 115-124; e-book 117-125
Link to Recording

Session 24 – Sunday September 4th with Tsering 

Chapter 10 The Bardo Instructions
1. The Painful Bardo of Dying – Dharmakaya; 2. The Luminous Bardo of DHARMATA – Sambhogakaya; 3. The Karmic Bardo of Becoming; Sur Offering
Page 125-141; e-book 127-142
Link to recording

Session 25 – Sunday September 11th –  Special Guest Speaker Chagdud Khadro

Guest Speaker Chagdud Khadro will teach on Phowa and Sur Offering including bestowing the transmission of the Red Tara Sur practice.
Link to recording

Session 26 – Sunday September 18th with Ani LhagsamKirstenJudy Arpana and Ani Zangmo

Chapter 11 Questions About Caring for the Dying and the Dead; Advice for Those Suffering Unbearable Pain
Page 145-159, 186; e-book 145-160, 186
Link to recording

Session 27 – Sunday September 25th with Annie WhitlockeJulie St AubynSarah Wilkinson and Tsering 

Chapter 12 What to do after Death
Handling the Corpse; Commemoration; Buddhist funerals 
Dudjom Rinpoche’s brief cremation ceremony
What is Chang Chok?; Sarah Wilkinson will speak about the Chang Chok practice of Korwa Dongdruk
Page 161-171; e-book 161-171
Link to recording

Session 28 – Sunday October 2nd 5.30 – 6.30 pm (AEDT note change to Daylight Saving) with special guest speakers Khandro Thrinlay ChodronMelanie Andrews of Standby, and Tsering 

Chapter 14 Questions About Other Aspects of Death 
Grief and Loss, Suicide
Page 177-189; e-book 177-185
Link to recording 

Session 29 – Sunday October 9th with guest speaker Tsunma Gosha, and Ani Zangmo

How to Practice Tonglen by Pema Chodron, includes guided meditation. 
Chapter 14 Questions About Other Aspects of Death  
Feelings of Guilt; Abortion; Kshitigarbha Practice
Page 111,181-184; e-book 114,180-183
Link to recording

Session 30 – Sunday October 16th with  Jakob and Jangchub

Chapter 15 For Tantrikas: Preparation for Death
For Practitioners with Superior Faculties, Practitioners with Middling Faculties, How to Assist a Tantrika through the Process of Dying; Vajrasattva Practice
Page 113,191-195; e-book 116,189-192
Link to recording

Stand-alone session – Sunday October 23rd with special guest speaker Dr Julie Kidd and Tsering 

Grief and Loss with Dr Julie Kidd 
With reference to the question on page 178 of Living is Dying “How can I help and support someone whose grief is so intense that they can’t move on?” and Rinpoche’s response “If their grief is making them ill you may need to bring in professional help.”
There are many different modalities that can be professionally applied, in this session Dr Julie Kidd will guide participants through one such modality that she has found helpful in her work assisting those with unresolved grief and trauma.
“The natural feeling of loss and sadness when we lose someone, can be compounded by other emotions like guilt (for example “I should have…”), inner replays of traumatic memories, conflict, and anger with the deceased or the family and others involved.”
Dr Julie Kidd will take those with unresolved grief through a process to help move the stuck emotions and memories and give a sense of greater ease and spaciousness so that the deceased can be remembered with a more open heart.
We will also include other griefs such as loss of a pet, relationship, identity, or home.
“This TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) process is gentle but if you feel suicidal or have had a psychotic episode, then it’s best to seek individual professional help instead.” Dr Julie KiddFor this session it is best to be able to lie back with cushions to support each of your arms and adjust one’s zoom screen so that Julie can see you to monitor your progress with the process. Please also have close by pen and paper and water to drink.
Due to the nature of this session, and to protect the privacy of the participants, it was not recorded. If you would like a recording of the process Dr Julie Kidd presented, to go through in your own time, please email Tsering –[email protected]

Session 31 Sunday October 30th with Tsering  and Ross

Questions about Practices for the Dead; Tagdrol: ‘Liberation Through Wearing’ Chakra of Padma Shitro – The Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Padma Family
How to Make a Tagdrol by Khenpo Sonam Tashi
Chapter 12 What to Do After Death
Page 162-176, 215-219; e-book 161-176, 214-219
Link to recording

Session 32 Sunday November 6th  with special guest Karma Lhundup Rinpoche

Riwo Sangcho practice live from Dharmsala and QnA on death and dying.
Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé’s Mountain Smoke Offering (Riwö Sangchö) arranged by Dudjom Rinpoche is available for download from: www.lotsawahouse. org/tibetan-masters/lhatsun-namkha-jigme/riwo-sangcho
Page 171; e-book 171
Link to recording

Session 33 Sunday November 13th with Ani Zangmo, Tsering and Ross

Chutor: Water Offering practice led by Tsering and Ross
Chapter 12 What to Do After Death, The Practice of Life Release, Increasing Life and Prosperity – A Method for Freeing Lives by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo practice led by Ani Zangmo
Page 200-214, 165-166; e-book 199-213, 165-166
Link to recording


Stand alone session Sunday 12th February, 2023  with Lisa Herbert

Guest speaker Lisa Herbert, author of “The Bottom Drawer Book” talks about after death action plans.
Link to Recording


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