Transmission of Longchenpa’s Seven Treasuries

by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

FAQs & Contacts

Page updated 24/01/2023

Any questions?

The transmission of the Seven Treasuries is a very large event being organised by a team of hardworking volunteers. Out of consideration for the time of our volunteers, we request that before emailing the contacts provided here, you please ensure that you first check the FAQ’s below as well as all the information in the event emails, the ticketing page, on Eventbrite and on the website for the information you are seeking. 

We will also continue to provide periodic updates on the event on the News section of the website as well as updates to the FAQ’s below. You can also discuss arrangements, support each other with information, request room and travel share etc through our Community Forum.

If you still have questions that are not addressed after first reviewing all these options, then please email with your query only using the emails below. We request your patience on reply times due to the high number of registrants. We also please ask you to NOT phone, send WhatsApp, Wechat or email message enquiries to any of our SIA or SINZ volunteer staff or instructors with queries on this.. 



Receiving Updates

Q: How will I be receiving updates on this event?
A: The participants are requested to be proactive in regularly checking the news section and FAQ’s here for updates on the event, as we wish to limit emails as much as possible after the initial invitation email. 

Travel advice and logistics

Q: I have questions on travel and other requirements
A: Please find on the Travel section and Health section of the website


Q: I would like to move to a chair if I feel like I can no longer sit on the floor, is that possible?
A: Unfortunately not, please select either chair or floor, it is not possible to select both due to seating limitations. 

Q: Will it be free seating or randomised seating?
A: You will be informed closer to the time, please check for updates here and in the news section.


Q: I cannot come for the entire time, is it possible to just buy daily tickets?
A: No, there is only a ticket available for the full event. The event will be most meaningful for participants to attend in its entirety.

Sponsorship & donations

Q: I would like to help sponsor or donate toward aspects of the event, how can I do this?
A: Please go the the donation section of the website

Q: I would like to seek financial help attending the event, how can I apply?
A: Please go to the Financial Assistance section of the website to review your options for application.  


Q: Can I bring my children into the venue?
A: Yes, however ensure that you register your child or children and ensure that you will remove the child from the venue immediately if they become disruptive.

Q: Are there other places I can be with my child if I need to leave the venue?
A: Yes you are welcome to make use of the swimming pool next door, surrounding shopping centre and you can make use of the dining marquee that will have a speaker broadcasting the reading transmission.


Q: What is a reading transmission?|
A: A reading transmission or lüng in Tibetan is when a teacher reads the entirety of a text to the student/s. This will occur in the Tibetan language. By receiving a reading transmission from a qualified lineage holder we make a link all the way back to the origin or founder of the teaching, creating the all-important cause and condition for the result of enlightenment. Thus hearing the sound of the words from the lips of the transmission bestower in real time confers the lineage blessings that make the reading of translations of texts such as Longchenpa’s Seven Treasuries fruitful. Any commentary or teachings which accompany the lüng will be in English with Mandarin translation. 

Q: Will there be practice texts for the event?
A: Yes, please review this section of the website to check for the practice text required, there will be a minimum of opening and dedication prayers. 

Q: Are Longchenpa’s Seven Treasuries available in English translation?
A: Five of the Seven Treasuries have been translated in their entirety. (See

Mobility assistance

Q: I have mobility issues and need to be beside an aisle and may need assistance, is this possible?
A: Yes please let us know details of your issues and requirements when you register.

Health information

Q: What health services are available?
A: Please review this section of our website for local services 

Q: I have a serious health issue, will there be any doctors or nurses I can refer to or confidentially inform of my condition in case of need?
A: Yes, we would encourage you to refer to our volunteer health team. 

Q: I have complex mental health issues, is there someone/ services I can refer to for support in case of need?
A: Yes, we have a volunteer health team you can confidentially contact in case of need. There is also the local helpline and services are also available as outlined in the health section

Interpretation services

Q: Will there be interpretation available? 
A: We intend to include Mandarin interpretation to any teachings that Rinpoche may give. It will be confirmed later if this will be consecutive or simultaneous and if you will be required to bring an FM radio. 

Cancellation policy

Q: What if I get covid before the event and I can’t attend, can I get my ticket refunded?
A: As it is not possible to secure event insurance in the event of covid or any communicable disease), participants are strongly encouraged to get out their own travel insurance that will provide cover for ticket, flights and accommodation in this case.

Tickets are non-refundable after the 5th October, 2023.

Cultural Information

Q: Is there any information on NZ culture?
A: Yes, please do check our section of the website introducing you to New Zealand culture


Q: I’d like to volunteer for the event, who should I contact?
A: Thank you, yes we would love your help, please write to [email protected] and an email requesting volunteers in different areas will also be sent to all the invitees. 

Joining the SI-NZ Mailing list

Q: I’d love to be kept informed about local news and practice from SINZ, how do I do that?
A: Please sign up to our mailing list here

Lost and found

Q: Is there somewhere that lost items will be gathered?
A: Please wait for more information to be provided on how we will manage lost and found items.

Highlight and copy the URL below[email protected]

Gửi tác phẩm của bạn ngay!

Tất cả các tác phẩm bản quyền sẽ thuộc về nghệ sĩ sáng tạo, các tác phẩm được giới thiệu sẽ không được tải xuống hoặc thu lợi nhuận bởi tổ chức, và chúng tôi có thể gắn đường dẫn liên kết đến trang web riêng của các nghệ sĩ. Chúng tôi rất tiếc phải thông báo rằng các tác phẩm có chứa hình ảnh được tạo bởi AI sẽ không được chấp nhận.

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's Schedule

Upcoming Events

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29 November 2024
17:00 - 18:30
UTC -05:00
Rio de Janeiro
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Living and Dying in Buddhism

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30 November 2024
08:00 - 15:00
UTC -05:00
Rio de Janeiro
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Khandro Sangdü Drupchen

10th-18th December 2024 With Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche, Pema ...
10 - 18 December 2024
All Day
UTC -05:00
Le Temple-sur-Lot, France
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