The Birthday

4 June 2024

With my birthday coming up soon, I am already daring to pre-assume that some of you intend to send me stuff. I totally appreciate your kind thoughts and generosity. But, at the risk of sounding very arrogant and unappreciative, I want to request you all not to send me anything.

Your thoughts are already very much appreciated. And if you can think of me in your prayers so that I will live healthy and long to serve Shakyamuni and benefit sentient beings, that is the best gift I could ever wish for.

On the other hand, if you feel you must do something more concrete to ease your mind and to think you have done something tangible, then as always, I would very much appreciate it if you contribute to Khyentse Foundation, 84000, Kumarajiva, Khyentse Vision, and our ongoing school projects. Alternatively, you can also make offerings to the holy shrines in Bodhgaya, Paro Taktsang, the Jokhang in Lhasa, Samye Monastery, and Boudha and Swayambhu in Nepal.

Not sending me stuff can also be a small contribution to our degenerating earth, by not adding more shopping bags and wrapping or sending more freight. And personally, it will also help me find my necessary things in my already cluttered small room, where I presently can’t find a thing due to the piles of so much stuff.

Once again, thank you in advance for your good wishes.

— Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse

 Photo credit: Xiao Shuai Yuan

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